Illustrations . . . xv
Mary Magdalene and Her Current Mission . . . xvii
How I Was Led to Mary . . . 3
1. Mary Beckons Again . . . 13
2. Divine Appointment . . . 19
3. Receiving the Light . . . 27
4. Waters of the Womb . . . 35
5. Glimpsing the Higher Dimensions . . . 41
6. Activation . . . 47
7. Transparency . . . 49
8. Resonance . . . 57
9. The Beauty of Emotions . . . 65
10. God-Goddess Kiss . . . 69
11. Letting Go . . . 75
12. Feeding Intimacy . . . 79
13. Following the Stream of Energy . . . 83
14. Chakra Bliss . . . 87
15. Opening to Love and God . . . 93
16. Kundalini Flow . . . 103
17. Tantric Wave . . . 113
18. Riding the Crests of the Ocean . . . 123
19. Synchronicity . . . 129
20. Timeless Connection . . . 135
21. Clearing Attachments . . . 141
22. Trust . . . 145
23. Sexy Lingerie . . . 149
24. Dreams . . . 151
25. Orbs . . . 157
26. Timing . . . 165
27. Loveseat . . . 171
28. Orgasmatron . . . 175
29. Sensitivity . . . 177
30. Community . . . 181
31. Sunlight through Water . . . 185
32. Erotic Abandon . . . 189
33. Taoist Practice . . . 195
34. Phantoms in the Night . . . 199
35. Tango . . . 207
36. Passing the Test . . . 213
37. Reconnection . . . 217
38. Depths of Merging . . . 223
39. Sharing with Others . . . 227
40. Changing Course . . . 231
41. Speed of Light . . . 235
42. Partner Ankh . . . 239
43. Goalless Exploration . . . 247
44. Returning to Center . . . 251
45. Grief . . . 257
46. New Beginnings . . . 261
47. Doorway . . . 263
48. Rising Serpents . . . 267
49. Galactic Alignment . . . 273
50. Fulfillment . . . 279
51. It Is Done . . . 285
Afterword: Continuing the Journey . . . 289
Notes . . . 291
Terms and Their Meanings . . . 295
Sacred Sexuality Resources . . . 298
About the Author . . . 299